Launch of new sets

The launch of Carddies Sports and Carddies London in April 2012 was featured in various publications and websites, including Toy News, Toy World Mag, Gift Focus and Toy Talk; as well as 4munchkinsplusmummy , A boy with Asperger's , Mummy Pages, Missing sleep, This is Life and The Babbling Mummy, who said:
“I loved the idea of Carddies straight away, and I knew Miss B would love them too as she loves colouring. I wasn’t too sure about Little S though, because his attention span with this sort of toy can be quite limited….
…From about 3.30 until Daddy came home at about 5.45, the house was silent. For that entire time, S and B coloured in their Carddies, talked about them occasionally with each other and played with them.
I posted pictures of them on Twitter, because I just couldn’t believe how peaceful it was! No television, screaming or shouting.
S has particularly enjoyed his Carddies. He coloured in the background really carefully and some of his characters, making sure that the colours matched on both the back and the front of their clothes. He talked about the different members of his family, and has named some of them on the back of the background, where there are pictures of each character and a space for their name.”