Amazing press and parent and blogger reviews for our creative colouring toy...

ROMPA Winslow Blog
We were invited to write in the ROMPA Winslow Resources blog as to how Carddies came about, as well as on their play and educational value (in particular, in an SEN context). Carddies are available from Winslow Resources.

Creative Christmas!
KalliKids asked Carddies to share some thoughts on the benefits to children of colouring/drawing/arts/craft.

Cracked Nails and Split Ends
Another great review, this time of Carddies Sports...
"I knew these would be a hit, both Summer and Jacob enjoyed colouring the bits together, creating their own sports team and standing their players up etc."

Unconventional Kira
Wonderful review of our Carddies by channel mum blogger Kira Hutt and family...along with a great youtube video!
"The girls absolutely love them.We are big fans of colouring in anyway and these have kept us all entertained for hours.The concentration Alessia has shown with these have been adorable,treasuring them like her little friends."

Recommended by parents: 5 stars out of 5 for Carddies on Quality of Service, Value for Money, What the Kids Think and What the Adults Think!
This is what they said:
"All of them have names and are played with most days. We always get a set when we go away. They are coloured in on the aeroplane and played with when we get there."
"It's something that grips their imagination, they adore doing and they keep coming back to over the years."
"They are great to just throw into your bag and pull out when you want to keep the children entertained, a bit like a portable dolls house."

Critiques and Tests
Critiques And Tests carried out product tests from a disability view point. These were some of the reviewer's thoughts on the Carddies:
"Delightful box of fun, imagination and creativity."
"The Carddies are innocent which is wonderful :-) an activity that does not require batteries or a screen, and can be played with, again, and again. "
"I like the idea of the Carddies being a story telling aid, and my thought is this - if you get other sets - I can see the Carddies being used similarly to Story Stones - get a group to colour as many Carddies sets as you can, then put the characters into one big pot and pass it around the group - each group member has to create a story involving the character they have picked up :-)"

Fantastic review of our Carddies by mumandworking, the parents' one stop website for all things work related!
"Brilliant product, a bit different from anything else out there at the moment. Great way to get children using their imaginations..."
"My daughter thoroughly enjoyed colouring these in and even recorded a little video story on her tablet using her Carddie people!"